
If only the bench did laundry…

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I am not organized.

In fact, I may be the opposite of organized.

One of my blog-friends had posted this link to a cool way to organize jewelry (of which I have a ridiculous amount.  3 tours in the middle east really  increases your jewelry supply).  It was genius!  I was going to do it!  It would be amazing!

I went to the store.  I got a vase from the dollar store and some stones for inside.  Then I couldn’t find any s hooks.  Then I broke the vase coming in the front door…… sigh.  I still haven’t found s hooks.  My necklaces are doomed to a life of tangled neglect.

That pretty much sums up my organizational skills.

So when I realized after the first day of school that I now have 3 kids in school, which means 3 backpacks, 3 lunch kits, 3 take-home folders, 3 agendas and 3 sets of classroom newsletters and field-trip forms and  teacher letters…..

Well, I almost lost my mind.

And in my head, I heard already “mom, where’s my agenda?  Did you sign it?  Where did you put it?  I need my field-trip permission signed today.  Where’s my hot lunch money?  Did you log my reading minutes?”  And so on.  And so forth. Until they’d be asking me these things from the telephone in between them and my cell at the forensic psych ward.

Looking at their backpacks in the front entrance every day for the next 40-some weeks did not appeal to me.  We have a really small front closet and no other storage for these things.  The closet can barely handle the influx of snow pants and jackets and boots and balaclavas and mitts and…. sigh.  Bring it on.

Anyway, I spent some time thinking.  I need…


Darn it, I don’t have any!  This should be clear by the fact that it’s already the first day of school when I am thinking about this.  An organized person would have made the connection sometime over the summer.  But I, on the other hand, reacted like I had completely made no correlation between school and all the school supplies.

What I DO know how to do, is shop.  So I dragged DH ot on a day off and forced him to find something to remedy this problem.  I EVEN thought to take measurements before we left (I know, I know, all this planning is blowing. your. mind).

And this, right here, is what I found. 

Yup. That’s right.  There’s a spot for the backpack on top.  There’s a slot in the middle for the agenda and 6 million papers that comes home in triplicate and takes over my life.  And there’s a basket with their name on it under each slot that can hold hats for now and soon will be filled with all that toque, mitt and scarf loveliness that is generally needed by say…. mid-October around here.  Don’t pretend like it’s not, cause you know darn well it is.

This is pretty straight forward but I gotta say, it’s like the smartest parenting-related organization in the history of my life.  And yes, I know what that says about me.

You may all bask in the amazingness of this organizational feat.  Bask!  And then, tell me your absolutely essential organizational ideas.  Cause Lord knows I need more.  Please.  Think of the children….



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  1. nicole | 23rd Oct 11

    Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance. http://www.colieskitchen.com

  2. PeaceMel | 31st Oct 12

    For your jewelry, you need a sheet of peg board from your local hardware store (they can cut it to whatever size you want), where you can also buy S hooks! If you get/have copper wire, you string it across the top and hang all your ear rings on that, then S hooks for necklaces in rows under that.. You can paint it fancy, too! I have millions of jewelry, trust me on this! Organizing is so fun.

  3. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    That sounds complicated. Did you click to see the link of necklace organization dealie? It's easy looking. Yet I did not get it. And the only s hooks I could find were at Canadian Tire for $2/each. I don't want $2 pieces of metal shaped like an s. I will find them, and I will make it, darn it!

  4. Megan Haapala | 31st Oct 12

    Those "cubbies" are so neat!
    My lifesaver when it comes to organization is my planner. It goes in 15 minute increments from 7 am-9pm every day [one week takes up a two page spread]. I color coat each class so I know red= something for a certain class. Maybe you could color coat it for each of your children. That way, you can take their agendas and put it all in one place for yourself!

    Good luck 🙂

  5. Julie | 31st Oct 12

    I have an old ice cube tray that I keep earrings in. Each pair gets their own square that way I am not wasting time looking for a matching earring. I saw it in a magazine one day and marveled at the simplicity. It has saved me tonnes of time.
    I also have a policy of not signing ANYTHING on a school morning. Homework, agendas, trip forms, etc must be shown to me on the night before. If not, it does not get signed.
    Backpacks go up to their rooms (I also have a small entrance way). The girls come in the door, put their lunch bags on the counter and give me their agendas and any notes from the school. Then their school bags go upstairs immediately. It works well for us and gets them in the habit of not waiting to the last minute to show stuff to mom.

  6. DarylSchmidt | 31st Oct 12

    This is so awesome! Great idea 🙂

    As far as jewelry organization goes…I use a corkboard with thumbtacks! Just slip the necklaces and bracelets right over the tacks…works like a charm! I've been on the lookout for a funky vintage frame I could frame the board with to make it prettier…someday!

  7. Stephanie | 31st Oct 12

    That bench is perfect! I love that there's room for three kids with three different colours. Very cute.

    If you need S-hooks, I can mail you some!

  8. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Wow. You sound exceptionally organized! I do have a 'book of everything' that I write all the things I said I'd do in so I don't forget all about them later. The problem is remembering to actually write in it. This is similar to my problem ;of having one of those daily vitamin organizers but never refilling it….;)

  9. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    That ice cube tray sounds awesome!

  10. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    oooOOOoo, and cool looking thumbtacks. Love it!

  11. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    Oh yes, there must be room for everyone or there would be all kind of hissy-fits 🙂
    Thank you! I am going to try a couple more dollar stores but if I still end up SOL I will let you know. Thanks!

  12. Patricia Kamphaus Gagnon | 31st Oct 12

    Great blog, Kim. You can get a whole package of nice S hooks at Ikea for a couple bucks. I will look and see if I have some around here. I like the vase idea it looks really nice!

  13. Debs Dealz | 31st Oct 12

    Hi there, Debs Dealz stopping over to follow you from the Wild Weekend Hop! Love your blog! Please stop over and follow back!

    Also, while you are there, link up to my Monday Madness Hop! We would love to have you!

    Thanks, Debbie


  14. Kerry | 31st Oct 12

    I am extremely disorganised as well and it drives me nuts!!
    But I blame the kids…!!
    Love the bench 🙂

  15. Jessica Cohen | 31st Oct 12

    It's so hard to stay organized when those darn kids are around!

  16. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    I knew you could, I just can't figure out where…. ok, so I only looked inwalmart, canadian tire and the dollar store. But still. Nowhere I tell you!

  17. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    oh yes, all memories of meing being disorganized before kids have been banished by me so I can blame it on them 🙂

  18. Kim | 31st Oct 12

    yes. yes it is.

  19. Julie Shreve | 31st Oct 12

    If you can create a bench that does laundry, I will pay you a lot of money. I don't have an excuse for my disorganization. I'm single and no kids and I still can't keep things together! Well done!

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