
What’s 3432.87 kilometers between friends?…

Just like to put it out there – Some days I am very sure that Posting Season was sent to make me miserable. I mean, I guess there’s some upsides. I’m not in the mood to see upsides. Most military postings happen in the spring, thus the term “Posting Season”.  It is when you start wondering ‘Will I get sent to some random place this year at the whim of the Canadian Armed Forces?”.  Well, I suppose you only wonder that if you are a military family.  The army doesn’t post many civilians, or so I hear. Now, this is a fair idea.  When you enlist, you know that you will move when you are told.  Fact of life in the military.  And I can’t even say a word on the subject, with 10+ years in the army, my dh hasn’t been posted since he was sent here after training.  We are an enigma.  He hasn’t been home from Afghanistan long enough to be posted.  And I’m okay with that, we are in no hurry to go anywhere.  But we wait, every year, wondering if it’s our turn.  And when that day comes, I just pray it’s somewhere with a Starbucks. But today, today I’m not as accepting of the whole idea as I’d like to think I am. Because today I said goodbye to a friend.  Not the first or last friend to be posted.  Being here this long has meant we have seen more than a few of our military friends come and go.  Some are here longer…