
Social Time-Bomb in 3…2…1

Isn’t it mind-blowingly annoying how bad we are all (and by all, I mean me) prone to wanting what we don’t have. For me, it’s not the material jealousy that gets to me. Don’t get me wrong, I want lots of material things I cant have.  Vacations.  New cars.  A maid and something that automatically does your laundry for you…..  But I can bring myself back to perspective pretty easily by realizing I am among the richest people in the world.  It’s humbling to know that to the majority of people alive on this planet, I am incredibly rich. So it’s easy to refocus from my quest for a home with a backyard and secret underground lair. Even my desire for a perfect body type can be shut down with some deeper thinking. Sure, I would love to be someone who could eat whatever and however much they wanted and still look great naked.  I wish I could throw on trendy clothes without it becoming painfully clear that my body was not built for strapless shirt or skinny jeans (though I attempt to wear the jeans anyways). It’s also (relatively) easy to remind myself that I am a healthy and happily married 30 year old women and the extra pounds and stretch marks that have come with my life are just that, a part of my life.  I will not be judged at the end of this life for love handles or sagging bits.  So contentment with my appearance, that comes eventually too (I’m still waiting for it, but I am sure it comes.) So what is it that is bothering me?  It’s what is more obnoxious and harder to…