One month from today will be my 10 year Wedding Anniversary.
That means that exactly 10 years ago, I was finishing college exams and putting the finishing touches on the ridiculous dream wedding that was coming fast. I had just turned 20. I had no idea what I was doing. I was excited and naive and spoiled and immature. I had lots of ideas of what life would be like and even more about what my wedding day would look like.
I would like to write a letter to me, 10 years ago, and let me know what was and wasn’t important.
17. Most importantly – accept that plans will change. Both over the next month, at your wedding and for the rest of your life. Your idea of what your next few years look like? Throw it away now. It’s not worth holding onto. God has a plan and it’s not the same as yours. It’s not even close.
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Running Yogi | 19th Apr 11
You are all kinds of awesome.
Andrea | 20th Apr 11
Another wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.
The other Kim :) | 20th Apr 11
Yup, you are all kinds of awesome…
Anonymous | 20th Apr 11
Another great post. Thanks for helping me forget (and stop whining about) my stupid toothache….even for a short while.
Renee | 20th Apr 11
It amazes me how much calmer my life is now that I know God is in control. But my 10 years ago self wouldn't have listened even if I knew it back then.
And you are stunning in that wedding picture!
Kaisa | 21st Apr 11
Just started following you, but just wanted to tell you I Love this post
I should send something similar to my 2007 self. (the year I got married).
The Glamorous Army Wife | 21st Apr 11
I think this is my favorite post ever. If you don't mind, I might copy the idea next week for mine, but I will give you full credit for the idea and link you up. This was really awesome….and I love the image of a little Buzz Lightyear flying down the aisle. That would've been priceless.
Julie P. | 19th Oct 11
This is great! It is fun to look back with older eyes
Alana Winder | 5th Nov 11
AWW! I love this! Your wedding sounds like it was awesome. Why is it always the stuff that goes wrong that you remember the most? haha
Have you heard of You can write emails and send it to yourself up to 50 years in the future. And then you can reply to your past self.
Natasha | 8th Mar 13
I love this! Thanks for sharing….I love the Do It Anyway. There were some things my mom fought me on for my wedding. Yes, I'd do it all again anyway!
Jane | 7th Feb 14
I LOVE this! <3 <3 <3 Oh how silly the things we think are important when we were younger.
Mrs McDancer | 7th Feb 14
This is hilarious. I particularly enjoyed number 16! (Thanks for joining the linkup!)
Fran | 7th Feb 14
This is awesome! Love this so much – thank you for sharing!
Poe Kitten | 8th Feb 14
I love this letter to the younger you. You're so right! Also, I love that you sang at your wedding:)
Thanks so much for linking up with us at Flashback Friday!
Laura | 8th Feb 14
Aa a young 20-something reading this, and following you for many years AND dating a artilleryman myself, I would just like to say I really enjoyed this post, and it gave me some insite into my own life that I needed. Keep writing