
I will have a stick. I will yell at my men…..

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 When going through the MOUNDS of paper my son brought home from school from this year, I found this.  It’s priceless.  And it made me think what he thinks my husband does all day at work! 

Now I am not a keeper of stuff.  I keep a few things each year per kid.  I’m not going to keep it all.  What will he do with boxes of old colouring pages and math equations?  But this, this is a keeper.  

What I want to be when I Grow Up

When I grow up I want to be in the army. I want to be in the military because my dad is in the military. I also want to blow stuff up so I can keep our country free.
I will train hard to rank up. I will listen to my boss, do parades and shoot from a tank. I will be still at attention.
I will have to know to be sneaky. I will have to listen to commands to know what to do. I’ll shoot at targets and exercise. When I’m a sargent I will have a stick. I’ll yell at my men.

By (Freckles)

So this made me want to write a reply.  One I will keep with it.  And if in fact this is the choice my son makes when he grows up, I will remind myself the kind of mom I wanted to be when I grew up. Because the older he gets the harder I feel like it will be to do this army thing from the Mom’s perspective, and not the wives.  What will happen when I have to let go?  I’m not so good at that part. 

(Don’t take it wrong, I have a great former army wife and now army mom Mother In Law!  She does these things.  I want to make sure I do to.)

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

When I grow up I might have a son in the army.  Because his dad is in the military and so was his dad before him, for 5 generations.  So it’s not hard to imagine that when I grow up, I might be an army mom.
I will cry with he is sworn in and the first time I see him in uniform.
I will pray for him without ceasing.  I will pray he always stays home, even when I know he’ll want to go do his job, just like his dad.
I will be as good a mom-in-law as I can.  I will hold her when she is alone and scared.  I will let her have her reunion with him alone, even though I’ll want to be there.  When I do see him, I will hug him longer than he would like.
When I grow up, I might be an army mom.  I will be scared.  I will be very proud.

By Mom



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  1. Skinnie Piggie | 9th Jul 11

    I love this… some day when he sees it I am sure he will appreciate it (after he gets over the initial embarrassment!)

  2. Liz | 9th Jul 11

    You got me crying again, Kim! But I know Caleb will value this immensely when he gets it.

  3. Kaisa | 9th Jul 11

    This made me cry! My 6 year old already has plans to join the army too, just like his dad! Thanks for sharing, and again, LOVE your blog 🙂

  4. krista.nicole | 10th Jul 11

    This was such an incredibly awesome post. Thanks for sharing this:)

  5. PeaceMel | 10th Jul 11

    Where do I go to label this as abusive? You make me cry all the time, that's gotta be abuse, right?

  6. Jane | 10th Jul 11

    Aww! I couldn't stop smiling at your son's paper and teared up a little at yours. I wish I has a mother in law like that!

  7. Kimberly | 10th Jul 11

    wow, this is beautiful and for sure a keeper.

  8. Stephanie | 11th Jul 11

    Your response is so lovely. It made me tear up a bit. So I read your son's letter again and laughed at the stick. Too funny!

  9. Ashley | 11th Jul 11

    Thats adorable! It made me tear up a bit also. I love your letter back, so cute!

  10. Logan @LifeforDessert | 12th Jul 11

    I loved that…the whole thing. I'm a navy sister and I think the same things sometime about my boys that you said about yours. And PS> Thanks for the funny comment on my cheating story today! Nice to know I'm not alone!

  11. About Mrs. G | 15th Jul 11

    New follower from stumble me friday!
    I love these letters. I have a journal for my daughter that I write to her in. I can't wait to give it to her – many years from now.

  12. Aleisha McD | 16th Jul 11

    I'm a new follower! "Stumbled" upon your blog and am SO glad I did. Your family is so sweet, and this post is great. Best wished to you! http://callmemamaleisha.blogspot.com

  13. Mommybug77 | 16th Jul 11

    stumbled over here.
    I loved it. I was active duty ARMY & remembered how much it meant to me to have a supportive family.

  14. Sara | 21st Jul 11

    Stumbled from Stumble Me Friday (sorry I'm so late!!) I hope you link up again this week 🙂

  15. To Love a Soldier... | 31st Aug 11

    Absolutely beautiful!

  16. Donna Smit | 9th Jul 16

    I am a military member, 29 years, a military wife and a military mom. I’ve been deployed, watched my husband deploy, watched both boys deploy together and at one point had both my husband and one of the boys in Afghanistan together. When I deployed myself I made an effort not to worry about my loved ones at home, that’s impossible from the other side of watching your most precious walk into harms way. Pride and fear entwine fingers and grab a hold of your heart until that plane is back on Canadian Tarmac. I couldn’t be prouder of who we are but there are days I wish the family business was farming or construction!

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