
I love that I can

Running is really just one moment after another of willing myself to keep going even after I really, really want to stop. Most of those moments suck. Some suck less. Here are some of those moments. Here’s to the moment…. … when I realize that my head has been telling me I couldn’t move another step for 10 minutes but my feet haven’t stopped moving. … when I see someone I know and all of a sudden that extra energy I didn’t think I had moves me that much faster so I look like I am doing better than I am. (ahh, vanity….) … when I get to the end of the run and realize I could have run a little longer. … when someone says ‘I saw you running yesterday’.  Cause having people say that makes me ‘someone who runs’.  And how cool is that. … when I have convinced myself that this is what I look like instead of the snotty, jiggly, red faced, sweaty reality. … when my favorite song comes on right on the last 400 metres and I sprint to the finish.  The moment is even better when there are people out to see how awesome I came in.  (again, wow.  Who knew I was that vain?) … when my constant attempt to think about anything except how much longer I have left leads to me an epiphany. Like it did this week. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale.  I have found that I am a more balanced and less frustrated person when I weigh myself regularly.  The fluctuations over the week and the month bother me less when I take…