Running is really just one moment after another of willing myself to keep going even after I really, really want to stop.
Most of those moments suck.
Some suck less.
Here are some of those moments.
Here’s to the moment….
… when I realize that my head has been telling me I couldn’t move another step for 10 minutes but my feet haven’t stopped moving.
… when I see someone I know and all of a sudden that extra energy I didn’t think I had moves me that much faster so I look like I am doing better than I am. (ahh, vanity….)
… when I get to the end of the run and realize I could have run a little longer.
… when someone says ‘I saw you running yesterday’. Cause having people say that makes me ‘someone who runs’. And how cool is that.
… when I have convinced myself that this is what I look like
instead of the snotty, jiggly, red faced, sweaty reality.
… when my favorite song comes on right on the last 400 metres and I sprint to the finish. The moment is even better when there are people out to see how awesome I came in. (again, wow. Who knew I was that vain?)
… when my constant attempt to think about anything except how much longer I have left leads to me an epiphany.
Like it did this week.
I have a love/hate relationship with my scale. I have found that I am a more balanced and less frustrated person when I weigh myself regularly. The fluctuations over the week and the month bother me less when I take them in every day, instead of once a week. It’s taken me a while to figure it out but I have a healthier perspective about my weight when I check it regularly. This won’t work for everyone, but it’s what has worked for me so far.
That being said, while I was on vacation and away from my scale, constant fears that every extra bite would add back all the weight I had lost were looming in my mind. 2 weeks away was good for me. The world didn’t end. I didn’t gain 40 lbs in 14 days and I learned that it’s OK to take a break.
I also learned I have used the scale for one reason I should not. To measure how hard I was going to work out that day. A number I didn’t like usually guaranteed a run that day. But I tended to slack off on the days I was happy with what the scale said that morning.
But one day this week, I stepped on the scale that morning and I was okay with what it said. Sure, I haven’t reached my (new) goal yet, but it’s a good time of the month and the number was a good one.
Which brings me to my epiphany.
I went for a run anyways.
And somewhere halfway through my 7.5k run it dawned on me.
I wasn’t running just because I wanted to lose weight. I wasn’t running because I felt like I had to in order to fit into a pair of jeans to see the numbers I wanted on the scale.
I was running because I wanted to go for a run. Because I wanted to be able to run farther and faster.
I think this may have been a bigger victory than the 40lbs I lost and the size of jeans I fit into.
After 16 years of basing how I feel and who I am on the way my body looks, this week how I felt was based on what my body can do. I don’t have the body shape I want. I still judge myself next to others and I still manage to feel terrible about my love handles and sags.
But I can’t remember the last time I cared more about the distance I can run than I do about the roll over my jeans.
I have not reached my goal. I will keep trying before I lose motivation. But this victory is not lost on me. And it made me willing to do something that several people have asked me for but I have not had the guts to do until now.
Post a before and after picture.
One reason I had not was because I am painfully aware that I raise a daughter that I want to feel good about the amazing way God created her without basing her worth on her body shape. Ever. And for that reason I try my very best to be proud of what I have accomplished without letting it define who I am. I might not get it, but I pray every day that she does.
But let’s face it. That’s not the main reason i never post pictures.
Why didn’t I want to? Because I didn’t want you to see me before and judge what I looked like then. I was still me, I was still beautiful to my hubby and loved by my kids. My value is not dependant on the size of my dress. And mostly, I didn’t want proof on the interweb of how out of shape I was. (I think we may have established earlier that thing about vanity…)
And I didn’t want you to look at my after and notice my flaws. I didn’t want you to judge how far I still have to go. I was afraid everyone would scoff and think to themselves how I still am not that imaginary ‘ideal’ weight I wish I was.
But now, I think I might be ready to say screw that.
A year ago I couldn’t run all the way through a 5k.
Now, on a good day, I can run 8k in less than 50 minutes (you know, when it’s not to hot :P)
Jiggly arms and all.
And that’s worth more than my before or after photo can ever show you.
But since you asked, I may regret this, but here it is.
![]() |
Summer 2009 |
Summer 2011 |
I don’t like to run.
But I love that I can.
And I love what it’s taught me so far.
May I continue to do it for all the right reasons.
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Cortithians 10:31
I have a new blog ‘look’. I should have a new blog URL…
– One who rarely drinks should not take an ativan before an early morning…
Liz | 30th Aug 11
You are awesome, my Kimberley, whatever your physical size. Your caring heart is what I love. However, I am also really proud of what you have accomplished. You realize that how you are living your life is what your daughter will learn from.
A Creed and A Psalm | 30th Aug 11
AMAZING!!!!!!! I think your pictures are outstanding. And the story is even better. My metabolism is high so I've always been thin, but I have also never exercised because of that, which has made me very unhealthy (my cholesterol level says so), and so I recently decided to start running. It may take me 45 minutes to jog a 5k, but one day I hope to increase that! And you are right, even when people love you for who you are, it still is important to feel good about yourself, and I think you are running for all the right reasons!! So, to sum it up, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!
Alana | 30th Aug 11
Wow! You look fantastic! I would looove to be "someone who runs". Hubby's trying to get me into it; we'll see. Your story is inspiring!
Megan (Best of Fates) | 30th Aug 11
This post is beyond inspirational – I love that you can now find joy in your body's abilities.
(And I'm also envious, in that I love the idea of being such a person but hate to run so very much I don't think I could ever force myself to do so!)
Renee | 31st Aug 11
You look AMAZING! And you are such a brave lady. I don't think I have the guts to post a before picture.
I agree. I hate running. I love the way I feel after I complete a run. Thus, I run anyway.
Keep up the good work!
Semper Wifey | 31st Aug 11
Good for you for doing something great for your body! You look fantastic!!! 🙂
I hope you'll join in on the Marine Birthday Bash! It's for everyone!! 🙂
Michelle Whitear | 31st Oct 12
I loved your post! You inspired me to get my running shoes on tomorrow after work, strap my dog to her leash and get my butt on the move! I never thought of running in the sense that one day, I might not be able to, so I might as well do it now. Thank you for that! I am thinking it will get rid of some of this nasty deployment stress!!!
Kim | 31st Oct 12
THanks for stopping in! I just installed DisQus and didn't realize it made all my old comments dissapear! O'well! I have an fitness instructor who says that 'exercise is a privledge' and it really made me think – it is. Injury and illness could stop me but right now I can, so I do 🙂 And it is wonderful for getting rid of alll Army related stress!
A~ | 5th Jan 16
I know this is a really old post…but I just wanted to say that that pic/quote at the end of this post has inspired, motivated and kicked me out the door on many days. So glad you shared it. Also your “Why I (attempt to) run” post. It has come to my mind SO many times while I am out running, and turned my heart to God in thanks for my intact, pain-free body.
I hope you keep writing! Your writing is profound, hilarious and thought-provoking. So glad I found your blog.