
This is not a response to someone else. Except that it kinda is.

I’ve written something like this before, here. It was called ‘Seeking Understanding’.  Cause, well, we all crave that, don’t we.  Someone who ‘gets us’. Then yesterday, my Social Media lit up with a blog written by an American Army Wife who decided to call out one of the other branches of the Military for not being worthy of being compared to her husband’s branch. In fact, she went so far as to say they had no right to call themselves Soldiers, or for their wives to be referred to as ‘Army Wives’. I’m not going to give her blog any more traffic with a link.  (Doesn’t that make my blog sound all important like the traffic it would generate would be enormous!) The truth is, this post is more about realizing the ways I act like her instead of just taking her on.  She’s entitled to her opinion and mine are probably not going to change them.  I can only imagine how she feels about Canadian military calling themselves Soldiers and Army Wives.  I mean, we don’t even have our own Drama on Lifetime. Instead, I will say that as Military Wives…. or lets be honest, as human beings, we do this in other, much less obnoxious levels all.  the. time. Check out any forum of people with similar experiences. “You were only in labour 4 hours?  Oh honey, I did 92 hours of hard labour  and have 110 stitches and I still left the next day and walked 5 miles home with my baby in a sling.  With.  No.  Drugs.” “You just have…