Some days, you forget what it was like when she was in your arms for that brief moment, tiny and silent and purple before they whisked her away to that other hospital. Some days you forget that even though she was one of the biggest babies in that NICU,she looked so very small compared to the machines that made sure she kept breathing. Some days you don’t remember how much you longed to take her home, to leave the beeping and the worry and the cords behind. Those are usually the days you forget about the chair you slept in, the curtain wall you lived behind and the sound of the breast milk pump that made you feel like a milk cow. Sometimes, looking at her now, you forget how big that soother was against her tiny face. And how many desperate, exhausted, tearful prayers were answered when you brought her home for the first time Sometimes, you forget that like every single baby, she is a miracle. And today, that miracle turns 7. Some days, we just need that reminder as you grow up before our eyes, that once upon a time just getting you to breathe was a struggle. Once you got the hang of that, well, regardless of the battles we will face from here on out, everything else you will acheive is just icing on the cake. Happy birthday, Drama. There are so very many ways you are beautiful. ****PS: I can’t seem to get my Disqus to work. Could you try and comment and let me know by facebook or twitter if you can’t…