
How does he even have hair left on his body?

I shared a little while ago about the new, rescued, Border Collie addition to our family, Trooper. Since that time, there has been Obedience Training. And quiet time. There’s been family walks.  And furniture that now looks far more ‘lived in’ than it did before. But so far, we’ve started the adjustment to life with a dog. And so has Dh. Because here’s the truth – Dh doesn’t really like pets. Not his.  Not other people’s.  He likes animals, don’t get me wrong.  But not enough that he’s ever been willing to put up with any possible inconveniences caused by them. Not shedding, barking, puking, accidents, jumping, scratching, or any and all costs associated with an animal he is responsible for.  He’s never had a desire to have a dog.  Never a willingness to deal with any aspect of owning an animal.  Never an attachment to one. I was actually a little worried about how much he might dislike Trooper when we agreed to get him. But so far….. so far he’s shocked not only me, but his sister who was just here visiting with how much he LIKES this dog. He does things to help him. He goes out of his way to make sure he’s looked after. He…. cares. This, my friends, says a lot. But I didn’t know what it meant, I was just happy it happened. A couple weeks ago, I mentioned here that while Dh and I were talking on vacation, we both spoke up.  He told me some of his dreams for me, and I did the same for him…