
All The Time

Lately, Drama has taken up a habit of arguing over what’s ‘fair’. When things don’t go her way, when she gets in trouble, when she gets angry at me or her father or her brother’s, her first reaction lately is to cry foul. “That’s not FAIR!” And I tend to react the same way every time. “Life’s not fair, my dear.  That doesn’t change what happened.  Sorry.  Move on.  Deal with it.  Listen to me.  I don’t care what you think is ‘fair’. Because really, I need to teach her something. She can’t hit her brother, even if he started it.  Sometimes, she has to pick up the slack when her brothers are somewhere else and she has to clean up.  If she had a few late nights, she needs to go to bed earlier tonight.  It doesn’t seem fair to her, but that doesn’t need there’s not a purpose to what’s happening. Well, the irony was not lost on me when this week, God and I had a little throw down. He does not understand my concept of fair. And why is that? Why do I have a beautiful, kind, compassionate friend who can almost field a baseball team of boy children in her home, who lost one child in pregnancy. A girl. That’s not fair. Why did Jesus Freak carry her beautiful baby boy only to see him live in this world for moments before he slipped away? That’s not fair. Why are there so many families living without their soldiers when mine is…