It’s also wise to check over a pay stub regularly to ensure nothing is being taken or given that shouldn’t be. Better to catch an overpayment right away than have to pay it back down the road. 11. Learn OPSEC and PERSEC
OPSEC is Operational Security and refers to things that should be kept confidential for operational/national security reasons.
PERSEC is Personal Security and refers to things that should be kept confidential for your own safety.
Both are vitally important that you understand. Know that in this way, the military DOES control you. You CANNOT share things that violate OPSEC or you CAN be arrested and/or your spouse can end up in significant amount of trouble. Some examples of OPSEC information includes times and dates of departure and return from mission deployments, some deployment locations and specifics, sometimes even where your spouse is.
Sometimes OPSEC means it can’t be told to ANYONE. Sometimes it means it needs to stay off of social media and that includes your ‘private’ account. Whatever the case, you and your spouse should always discuss what about his or her job at any given time is confidential and remember it’s not only his or her safety on the line.
For the love of all the things, in Canada, Leutenant is pronounced “LEFT-tenant” not “LEW-tenant”.
Just for fun. That’s not how it’s spelled and we all know that.
For those of you with a military move on the horizon, here’s 54…
Occasionally when I look around at Dh’s comrades when they are out…
KellyAnn Noel | 12th Mar 16
Great information. Maybe you could pass this on to the various MFRC’s and they could add Base/providence specific information. I wish I had this when my husband first joined over 28 years ago. Thank you.
Brian Forbes Colgate | 4th Jun 16
For those not in the know CoC is Chain of Command – Chain may not explain that well enough for the non-initiated.
Chain of Command also goes down … it’s the line from the bottom of the totem pole to the top within your particular organisation: Vehicle/Section – Troop/Platoon – Squadron/Company – Regiment/Battalion – Brigade – Division – Army.