
Panic, you’re posted! (But first…)

        So you’re facing a military posting this year. And let’s face it, this might be your first or your 10th and there’s a lot of fear around relocation in general, but this year, it’s even worse. BGRS has changed and panic has ensued. Panic. Will it be as bad as we think? I hope not. I can’t fix Brookfield, though. I can’t fix anything, I’m just along for the ride same as the rest of you (except, you know, we aren’t posted this year so bless your hearts). No matter how many panicked comments and private messages I receive, so far I have not been granted any special powers by DND. If I had, I would be sure to tell you. Preferably from a megaphone while on my helicopter. However I am reminded of a friend who supported me once during a deployment. I was pregnant and miserable. She kept asking how she could help and I kept telling her that I just wanted my husband home. Finally, frustrated, she said “I can’t DO that, so tell me what I CAN do.” So here it is friends. There’s a good chance there will be more than a few issues with the new relocation system. I’m sorry. We can’t necessarily fix that right now. We can talk about it, encourage each other on it, be sure to get out as much info as we can to make it as pain free as is humanly possible, make sure evaluations get to the right people, inform the chain of command and the powers that be of all our issues as they happen to…