You can call me spoiled names all you want but growing up, we had a Summer Cottage in Vermont that had been passed through generations to my mom. It backed onto Lake Memphremagog and was absolutely beautiful. We lived there from the moment school let out until right before it started again. Because of this for the entire time we lived in Montreal we had no need for camping. When I was 8ish we moved from Montreal across the country and no longer within practical travelling distance from the Cottage. But still, Camping wasn’t something we did. Aside from the odd Girl Guide trip I never camped as a child. When I graduated high school, it was the thing to do for After-Grad to camp for a weekend long Graduation Party. I stayed in the closest hotel. Why? Cause I don’t like camping. I realize this is a snobby sounding thing to say. Some people might even be shocked and appalled. Let me just point out that this has nothing to do with high-class. I spent my last Saturday night at a small town Rodeo Demolition Derby that at one point had Combines smashing into each other for fun. Clearly it has nothing to do with me feeling I am “too posh” for camping. I just. don’t. like. it. I actually wish I did. But I don’t. Who knows. Maybe I will one day. But not today. So now I find myself living in Camping Country. I mean, you just don’t live in a small town in the Canadian Prairies without spending every available Summer weekend out with the…