
To The Military Spouse on the First Year

So, your spouse is in the Canadian military? Maybe you are a new couple, or maybe your spouse just enlisted.  Either way, I get a LOT of messages from you wondering about practical advice on where to start.   I have virtually none.  I dont know who gave you the impression I know what I’m doing, but they were sadly mistaken. I’m winging it like everyone else.  However, I will give you what I’ve got.  It’s been 15 years, 3 kids 3 houses and 4 deployments, and I’ve learned far less than I should have by now, but maybe enough to get you started in the right-ish direction.  Here we go.  1. It’s all in the name. And your name needs to be on EVERYTHING. Bank accounts.  Cable bill.  Cell phone.  SunLife. Everything. Look at a monthly bank statement and all those bills that are paid?  Make sure your name is on the account.  Because if your spouse is away, he or she may be impossible to contact and those companies will NOT talk to you if there’s a problem. Being unable to communicate with his Visa company could mean a damaged credit rating on his return, and if you can’t speak to SunLife regarding her account, you may not be able to seek any reimbursements for the extent of their absence.   2. Power of Attorney If you are in a committed relationship (marriage, common law, etc), that piece of paper is vital.  It’s the difference between you being able to relocate, make bank changes, etc or being stuck without a means to change mortgage or sell the house. I have used Power of Attorney to list and sell a house, secure…

I (Won’t Be) Home For Christmas

  It’s been years since Dh and I were with our parents/siblings for Christmas Day.  At a past posting, we would see them sometime during the season, usually between Christmas and New Years, but Christmas Day was generally spent with just us, or with friends. We could have driven the 4 hours or so and spent Christmas Day with them if we chose to, but we found the Christmas Day trip made Christmas hectic and cluttered, and we chose to instead stay home. The last few years where we’ve been, parents are no longer a 4 hours drive but instead a 4 hour plane trip away.  We haven’t taken that trip home, partly for the cost of it ($4500 for the 5 of us to be somewhere else over the holidays just isn’t in the budget), but partly for the same reason we didn’t drive the 4 hours in year past.  We like our home, sitting in our bed Christmas morning opening stockings, making pancakes in our own kitchen, sitting under our own tree later passing out gifts. I’m not big on days and traditions.  Some years we’ve put on a big dinner for friends and/or much loved military ‘stragglers’ without anywhere to be. Other years we’ve brought pot luck to friends homes. These last two years, we’ve gone to the movies and had Pogos for dinner.  So clearly, I’m pretty lazy laid back about Christmas. This year, it will just be the kids and I over the holidays.  We have the opportunity to spend Boxing Day “Christmas” with more extended family who are only an hour or so away, which is amazing and…